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political footballs 

the patriarchy

The Patriarchy.jpg
Exhausting, expensive, expressive, fun. The pressure and pleasure of personal grooming.

Exhausting, expensive, expressive, fun. The pressure and pleasure of personal grooming.

A Woman's Work is Never Done.

A Woman's Work is Never Done.

Freshly made

Freshly made

Independent Women were demonised and murdered

Independent Women were demonised and murdered

Stranger Danger, Gender Violence.

Stranger Danger, Gender Violence.

The medical treatment that has been chosen, and that which has not been chosen.

The medical treatment that has been chosen, and that which has not been chosen.

The glass ceiling. Even when you are practically perfect in every way

The glass ceiling. Even when you are practically perfect in every way

The Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of Cruelty.

The Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of Cruelty.

We have our own body to clothe, and how other people clother theirs is none of our busines

We have our own body to clothe, and how other people clother theirs is none of our busines

To the Heroes of Greenham Common. To the Matriarchal, Feminist Lesbians. Love.

To the Heroes of Greenham Common. To the Matriarchal, Feminist Lesbians. Love.

They feel entitled to ask, even pressure about your choice

They feel entitled to ask, even pressure about your choice

They bleed you dry. And when that stops, they don't want to know how it feels.

They bleed you dry. And when that stops, they don't want to know how it feels.

I wrestled with doing this one. Is it right for a bloke to knit about the patriarchy? But expecting its primary victims to be the only ones to talk about it only adds insult to injury. The delusions of misogyny have resulted in countless horrors across the world. ‘Who knows why we were taught to fear the witches, and not the ones who burned them?’

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